Geometric Poster Design : By Deep Yellow

by Andrew Smith February 20, 2019

Geometric Poster Design : By Deep Yellow

Deep Yellow is a small design studio based in Kosovo that produce some astonishing design resources and posters. Recently I found their work floating around on Pinterest and felt it deserved a bit more exploration - and of course a few backlinks to their site. As mentioned in their Behance bio, they are working towards bringing some world-class design resources online. They have a vision to make a platform that creates useful tools that inspire better design work everywhere. Their dedication to this cause is evident in the body of work produced below, it's minimal, beautiful and exceptionally well put together. You can purchase both their design resources and their stunning posters by clicking here.

Graphic poster designposter design swirl

Poster design circleminimal poster design3d render cube posterswirl poster design layoutPoster design ideasminimal geometric poster designhexagon poster design layoutposter design inspirationline art poster design3d circle poster design minimalist poster layoutinspiring poster designblock poster graphic design simple poster designdimensional poster layoutsimple shape poster design 3D render posterbox cube poster layoutflower poster designcube poster layoutsimple typography posterinspiring poster designgraphic design poster ideasminimalist graphic design poster ideascorner block poster design3d circle poster Dark blue poster designgeometric poster conceptabstract art poster designabstract art form postercone art poster designtriangle poster layoutabstract art form poster layoutgeometric poster layoutshape poster inspiration poster Dual circle posterswirl poster ideaspill poster designtwist poster ideasspiral poster ideas3D star illustration poster3d triangle poster designposter diagram ideasposter pattern designsimple square poster designchalk postercircle swirl designminimal koru poster design

Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith


I am a Creative Director living and working in New Zealand, I have a special interest in travel and landscape photography, I also produce presets for Adobe Lightroom.

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